Wine Kits And Shelf Life? » 19 Facts About Wine Kits

A question that crossed my mind lately was whether or not a winemaking kit could actually expire.

In this blog post, I will provide my findings on this question and explain how to properly store your kit to make it last as long as possible among other tips for winemaking kits.

Do Wine Kits Have a Shelf Life? Wine kits will usually last for a very long time, often between 12-20 months. Over time wine kits will lose some of their properties, but will rarely have health risks even if you use them after expiration dates. Storing wine kits properly will extend their shelf life substantially.

Read on as I dive into how the shelf life of wine kits work, and what to do to make them last longer.

Read Also: Beer Kits Expiration? 17 Facts about Beer Kits for Brewing


So, Do Wine Kits Have an Expiration Date?

Like most food based products, wine kits have an expiration date which is found on the box/packaging.

In reality, wine kits don’t really expire in the way we know from food products, they simply just lose some of their properties.

Over time your wine kit might slowly oxidate which can be quite damaging to the properties of your wine once you finally make it.

The overall guideline among home winemakers is to use the wine kit within a year or slightly longer, to make sure that it’s properties are as good as when your purchased it.

If you store your wine kits properly they may very well last quite a bit longer than the manufacturers expiration date.

Proper Storage of Wine Kits

To make sure your wine kit doesn’t go bad if you don’t plan to use it in the foreseeable future, you have to make sure you are storing it correctly.

Like with most alcohols keep it away from direct sunlight, and preferably any light in general.

Think of it the same way as storing finished wine, you want to keep it away from light and at the proper temperature.

Keep it stored below room temperature if possible, but not too cold.

TIP: A good rule of thumb is to store it at the same temperature as the wine should be stored at, this will give it the best conditions to last for a long time.

Related read: Best Dual Zone Wine Coolers

There is No “Definite” Answer

When it comes to wine kits, there honestly isn’t any real answer when it comes to exact expiration dates.

All we can do is make guidelines from various experiences, but we do know that storing them properly will definitely help them last the longest.

Even if you have a big hunch that your wine kit might have expired, there isn’t any problem in using it anyway.

You can quite easily taste or smell if the wine kit has lost its properties, and then simply throw it away.

If you don’t want to waste time using a wine kit you think has expired, then buying a new one might be the best solution to avoid potentially wasting your time.

5 Great Wine Kits

So now that you know the facts about expiration dates of wine kits it might be time to try them out yourself!

In this section, I will go over 5 different wine kits.

2 of these kits are equipment kits which have all the tools you need to make wine, and the last 3 are ingredient kits which you can combine with an equipment kit to have everything you need to make wine.

Check out this post if you need more inspiration on wine kits.

#1 All You Need On A Budget

1 Gallon Wine from Fruit Kit
  • Equipment kit to make wine from fruit
  • Wine making
  • One gallon wine kit

Last update on 2025-02-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Complete equipmentNo hydrometer
Easy to set up 

This wine kit includes:

  • Winemaker Recipe Handbook with over 100 recipes
  • 2 Gallon Plastic Fermenter with lid
  • 1-gallon jug
  • Tubing
  • 15” Racking cane
  • Airlock
  • Drilled screw-top cap
  • Straining bag
  • 2. Oz Oxygen wash
  • Campden tablets
  • Pectin enzyme
  • Potassium sorbate
  • Yeast and yeast nutrient
  • Acid blend and wine tannin-note

All you gotta do is purchase some fresh fruit and some bottles as well as corks to use along with the kit and you will have your own homemade wine in no time.

You can use any type of fruit which can be both fresh or canned. From personal experience, as well as researching the topic, grapes will generally be the easiest in terms of creating wine.

#2 People’s Choice

North Mountain Supply - NMSWFFC-30 1 Gallon Wine from Fruit Complete 30pc Kit - Only Fruit & Bottles Required
  • Easy to use 1 gallon wine kit with every thing you need to complete a batch of wine except the fruit and wine bottles!
  • Detailed step-by-step instructions from North Mountain Supply and Winemaker's Recipe Handbook with over 100 recipes!
  • Complete kit includes: 30 pieces equipment and ingredients, the largest and most complete kit available!

Last update on 2025-02-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

All you need Unclear instructions
Easy to set up 

This kit includes:

  • 2 Gallon Fermenter
  • 1 Gallon Glass jug
  • Recipe book
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Auto-siphon
  • 5’ of siphon hose
  • 2 Airlocks
  • Bung & Screw cap
  • Straining bag
  • 4 oz. oxygen wash
  • 50 Campden tablets
  • Pectic Enzyme
  • Stabilizer
  • 3 Yeast packs
  • Nutrients
  • Acid blend
  • Tannin
  • Energizer
  • Hydrometer w/ test jar
  • Glass wine thief
  • Corks + Corker
  • Shrink caps
  • Bottle filler

For the beginners, this wine kit includes a detailed step-by-step instruction manual which will guide you through the winemaking process.

Use any type of fruit along with bottles you have procured yourself to make wine at home easily!

#3 Well-Rounded Pick

Wild Grapes Premium DIY Wine Making Kits - Cabernet Sauvignon Style - Makes Up to 30 x 750mL Bottles, 6 Gallons of Wine
  • Premium Ingredients - Only the freshest high quality ingredients are used in our wine kits to ensure your wine always tastes great.
  • Easy To Make - Simply pick your wine style to pair with the Wild Grapes wine starter kit, follow the included instructions and you'll...
  • 30 Bottles - Each kit allows you to make up to 6 US gallons (23 Liters) of wine or approximately 30 x 750 ml bottles.

Last update on 2025-02-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Good quality for the priceUnclear instructions
Easy directionsIngredients only

This wine kit includes:

  • Wine base
  • Yeast pack
  • Fining agents
  • 30 labels

The wine type made with this kit is a California Cabernet Sauvignon which is described as having a full body taste with a mouthwatering aroma and taste of berries.

The kit also comes with detailed instructions which will help you make great wine that can be ready to drink after just 4 weeks.

#4 Good Quality Cabernet

Last update on 2025-02-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Good value for the moneyLess quantity than advertised
Easy instructions 

This wine kit includes:

  • Ingredients
  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Yeast
  • Labels

This kit will provide the ingredients needed, but no equipment, which you will have to provide yourself.

Includes step-by-step instructions making it easy to avoid any errors for the unseasoned winemaker.

All the aromas and flavors in this wine are completely natural without any artificial aspects at all.

#5 Good Value For Money 

Master Vintner™ Winemaker's Reserve™ Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Recipe Kit Makes 6 Gallons
  • Master Vintner wants you to be a great winemaker. We start with top grapes from the world’s best wine regions and dedicate ourselves...
  • Master Vintner Cabernet Sauvignon makes six gallons of medium-bodied wine with moderate tannins, featuring savory notes of dark, dried...
  • You can make wines you’ll love and be proud to share with family and friends.

Last update on 2025-02-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Great product for the moneyAvailability
Customer service 

This wine kit includes:

  • 10L grape juice
  • Fining agents
  • High quality yeast

This wine kit from Master Wintner is top notch in terms of wine ingredient kits.

This Master Vintner kit will surely impress your friends and family and showcase your wine making abilities.

Read Also: Wine Making Kits For Beginners

About HomeBrewAdvice

Hello, my name is Simon. Together with a group of writers I write about brewing beer and making wine. We all share a passion for the great things in life, such as making stuff from scratch.

The business of HomeBrewAdvice is to bring you great information, stories and product reviews from brewing at home, and making wine

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