The Easiest Alcohol To Make? » (Get The Answer Here!)

Lately, I have been interested in homebrewing but kept wondering what the easiest way to begin was.
After doing some research I have found some answers to help you choose what type of alcohol to brew.
What is The Easiest Alcohol to Make? The easiest alcohol to make is probably mead. Making mead is very straight forward but it is not the fastest alcohol to make. If you want to make alcohol that you can enjoy fast, beer is probably the way to go for you. Wine and spirits generally have longer fermenting processes than beer.
First, you have to ask yourself what you really want to make, each method has various difficulties depending on what type of beer, wine or spirit you want to make.
Continue reading as I dive into the different methods and help shine a light on which method might suit you.
How to brew your own alcohol? Take a look at this post where we get all the details about making alcohol at home.
So, What is The Easiest Alcohol to Make?
The reason people see Mead as probably the easiest way to make alcohol is that it can be done with very basic equipment that you can mostly find in any store.
Other types of alcohol like beer or wine require you to buy equipment specifically for the purpose of brewing these.
If you are a beginner it doesn’t really matter what you choose, all alcohols are rather easy to make on a beginner level.
If you are just starting out, beginner kits for making beer, wine or others are very straight forward in most cases.
As long as you follow the instructions provided in the kit, there is little risk for failing.
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In general, the process of making beer is easier than wine or spirits, so if you just want to go for the easiest beginner kit, a beer kit would probably be your choice.
Homebrewing enthusiasts will probably tell you not to worry about what takes the least time, or what is the easiest, rather what you want to make.
Once you learn the process of homebrewing the difficulty won’t really matter since once you understand the basics, you are probably keen to start experimenting with your tastes, smells and so on.
Difficulty increases as you want to get more complex with your alcohol.
No matter what type of alcohol you choose to make, there is an ocean of options when you want to personalize your product.
Where the real difficulty lies is in creating unique tastes and feels to your own alcohol. Most methods are figured out already, but the taste, color, and actual feel to your beer, wine or spirit are up to you to experiment with.
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Experimenting With Recipes
Adding different ingredients can help you make a personal alcoholic beverage that fits you and your preferences.
To reiterate, let’s take beer brewing as an example.
The actual process and ingredients of making basic beer are very straight forward, in short, you prepare, mix the batch, ferment and bottle your beer. These are the basic processes when crafting beer.
Now you can take each process and do different things to change your beers properties.
For beer, the typical way to tweak it is by adapting different processes or adding extra ingredients.
Here are 3 things to consider when tweaking your personal beer recipe:
#1 Maintain the balance between Special grains and basic malts.
The usual main ingredients in terms of beer brewing is malts and grain. Adding specialty grain types can benefit the taste and general feel of your beer recipe.If you have the main recipe you are trying to innovate, make sure you don’t stray too far from the recommended mix of malts and grains.
Find out what works for others, and find a fine balance when mixing your batch.
#2 Adding fruits, berries or nuts to your beer.
Adding any of these 3 ingredients can completely change the flavor of your beer and turn it into a whole new taste experience.
REMEMBER: Be careful when adding fruits or berries, since they have natural sugar content, that can make your alcohol percentages higher during fermenting.
Some recommend not adding the extra ingredients directly into the primary fermentation, but rather adding it in a secondary fermentation process.
To be safe you don’t contaminate your beer, it can be a good idea to use frozen fruits since they are free of any micro bacteria. Simply let the frozen bag of fruit thaw and add the fruit directly into the secondary fermentation.
#3 Adding herbs and spices.
Another popular and simple way of making a personal recipe is adding spices. These spices can be anything from spicy peppers, peppermints, chili or any basic herb or spice you can think of.
Depending on what tastes you like you can choose to add whatever spice or herb fits your preferences and make your beer more personal.
Some seasoned homebrewers even make seasonal beers and add spices depending on what time of year it is. For example, you can add peppermint during Christmas to add a holiday feel to your beer.
Keeping these things in mind when trying to make your own recipe will help you find a unique recipe that fits you as a person and your preferences in terms of taste, feel, color, etc.
As mentioned, beer recipes are very simple on a ground level, but adding extra ingredients is the simplest way to change the flavor, color, and feel of your own beer.
Overall making alcohol is straight forward, but processes vary and change in difficulty based on how complex you want your product to be.
So to sum up, making alcohol is not hard, anyone can learn it.
TIP: Start of slow and easy with beginner kits for whatever type of alcohol you want to make, and then you can branch out and create more complex alcohols after you have mastered the basics of homebrewing.
A Quick Guide to Homemade Alcohol
If you just want to homebrew something without having to invest in equipment or kits, here is a straight forward method to make your favorite fruit juice into homemade alcohol.
This method has no dangerous implications and is quite simply just adding some yeast to regular fruit juice. Obviously, as with all alcoholic drinks you should drink in moderation, this also applies to the alcohol you make with this recipe.
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Equipment list:
A Bottle of 100% pure fruit juice
A packet of yeast powder
An airlock
A hydrometer -only if you want to measure the alcohol percentage-. (Amazon link)
Step 1
Figure out how much yeast you want to use. Figure out if you want to make a high or low alcohol content beverage, and add yeast accordingly
Step 2
Add the yeast to your juice. Pour the estimated amount of yeast into your juice bottle
Step 3
Airlock. Attach the airlock and make sure you do it correctly, as this is crucial for the fermentation process.
Step 4
Let it sit. As with all home brewing, fermenting takes time, but you should see results after 46 to 72 hours. If any residue gets into the airlock, it is a good idea to take it off and clean it to avoid contamination.
Step 5
Pour your alcohol. It is recommended that you transfer the alcohol to other containers, and remove any leftover residue from the fermenting process to give the best taste experience.
You just made your own homemade booze with a simple yeast pack and an airlock, it is that easy! Seasoned homebrewers will probably frown if you call yourself a homebrewer while making this type of alcohol, but hey, it’s okay to start small!
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